Employee NPS Scoring

Struggling to maintain an awareness of your employee satisfaction rates? An Employee Net Promoter Score (eNPS) will measure how likely your staff are to recommend the company to external outlets.

Remain Acquainted with Workforce Engagement

Whilst most eNPS’s provide basic feedback usually extracted from limited questioning, Champions (UK) plc will provide you with a comprehensive report on your workforce’s state of mind.

Our specialist People team will complete a detailed analysis based on employee responses to a questionnaire, supplying you with a clear idea of motivation levels, alongside the likelihood of positive referrals to others.

Conducting an eNPS is a vital part of the Champions’ staff evaluation process, providing you with a cost-effective way to decipher future strategies for team retention.

Maintain a Motivated Workforce

Prioritising employee motivation is an effective strategy to guaranteeing external recommendations, and therefore a healthy number of potential staff should you want to expand. An eNPS will allow you to oversee and appropriately manage business growth, while nurturing your current structure.


Our Staff Evaluation Services

Eliminate Employee Frustration

Develop a deeper understanding of your workforce’s overall satisfaction, and gain a valuable insight into each employee’s present mind state towards the organisation and workload by utilising Champions’ staff evaluation services. 

Why Champions (UK) plc?

Our team at Champions are adept at tackling any staff motivation concerns you may be undergoing.

A family-orientated outlook on business across 20+ years of industry expertise has provided us with a vivid knowhow in maintaining employee satisfaction, from which we can apply learnings to our solutions. Our industry-leading eNPS service will offer you a thorough, statistical approach not found elsewhere, tailored to your organisational structure while enhancing staff motivation and engagement.


Ready To Improve Your NPS Score?

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